Antidote to Gloom

When you want to get away from daily life but, lack of means or time, this is not possible. So, there is Morocco therapy.
We start with a homeopathic dose (how to prepare a real mint tea) and if that is not enough, we increase the dose (recipe of Choumicha Chicken tagine, a Berber treatment with argan oil ….) and if that is still not enough, then we recommend a cure… a weekend in the Chérfien kingdom!

To boost your energy and your mood in a few moments, here are some ideas.
In Morocco, we always start with a good mint tea. It will Smells good. Fresh, dried or in essential oil, mint is an aromatic herb with multiple virtues. In infusion, it is refreshing in summer and comforting in winter! For those who have already come to Morocco, this glass of tea will transport you “to the village”. The Mahababikoum will ring in your ears again.
To make a real “Moroccan-style” tea, you must first take your time. Buy green tea, put a pinch in a teapot and then add a little hot water (the equivalent of a small tea glass). Empty this water into a glass and keep it. Repeat the operation. Then shake the teapot and empty the water (so dark). Then put the teapot on the gas and boil for a few minutes. Add a good bunch of mint and one beg lump of sugar. Leave to infuse for a few minutes.

Pour the tea into a glass and empty it into the teapot. Do this 3-4 times. This allows the sugar to mix well and oxygenate the drink to increase the flavor.

This ceremonial aims not only to allow the tea and its aromas to diffuse well, but also to take a break, to slow down … to escape!

Booster son énergie et son humeur en quelques instants, voici quelques idées.
Au Maroc, on commence toujours par un bon thé à la menthe. Humer l’odeur  qui s’en dégage. Fraîche, séchée ou en huile essentielle, la menthe est une herbe aromatique aux multiples vertus. En infusion, elle est rafraîchissante l’été et réconfortante l’hiver!  Pour celles et ceux qui sont déjà venus au Maroc, ce verre de thé vous transportera “au bled”.  Les Mahababikoum sonneront à nouveau à vos oreilles.

Pour faire un vrai thé “à la marocaine” , il faut tout d’abord prendre son temps. Acheter du thé vert, mettre une pincée dans une théière puis y ajouter un peu d’eau chaude (l’équivalent d’un petit verre à thé). Vider cette eau, dans un verre et garder le. Recommencer l’opération. secouer ensuite la théière et vider l’eau (alors sombre). Puis mettre la théière sur le gaz et faire bouillir quelques minutes. Ajouter un bon bouquet de menthe et 1 gros morceau de sucre. Laissez infuser quelques minutes.

Verser le thé dans un verre et  vider le dans la théière? Faites cette opération 3 à 4 fois. Cela permets au sucre de bien de mélanger et d’oxygéner la boisson afin d’augmenter la saveur.

Ce cérémonial a pour but non seulement  de permettre au thé  et ses arômes de bien se diffuser mais aussi faire une pause, de ralentir… de s’évader!

The.... or Tagine?

If that is not enough to make you dream, continue and cook a good Lemon Chicken tagine! the way, we say the tagine or a tagine? Both of them is Well, don’t be displeased, in the first case, it is about food, and in the second is about utensil.

Morocco Therapy

And for our vegetarian friends, we offer the Michouia salad and the zalouk. Two great Moroccan classics!

Spices have a fundamental role in Moroccan cuisine and for body! It’s good, it’s healthy .ées-en-cuisine-marocaine

If cooking doesn’t attract you, so run a hot bath; add a few drops of essential oils of basil or orange blossom and relax next to a candle scented with cedar wood! This is the Middle Atlas that invites itself into your bathroom! Once well relaxed, after drying, you will have massage with a few argan oils. The oil of the stars! Just that!
This of course is not worth authentic Morocco Therapy, come see us to find out more ?We will be at the Lyon hiker show on March 23/24 & 25! We look forward to you
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